Labor Instructions

Passionate About Women's Health - Located In Newport Beach, CA

For mothers planning for a healthy baby, our gynecologists and obstetricians know how to make sure you’re in your best physical health for delivery. For safe pregnancy delivery, we also help parents prepare for childbirth with various resources, such as childbirth classes, breastfeeding education, and support groups for expecting mothers. Our maternity services are more than just places to check on your health; they’re also bonding places for mothers to look forward to meeting their newborn.

What is labor?

Labor occurs when the uterus contracts to allow the cervix to open and thin. These contractions will be causing the fetus to move through the birth canal, and there are multiple stages of labor that a woman will go through during delivery. Healthy labors will occur at the end of the third trimester, and for women preparing for labor, some signs occur in frequent concessions, such as:

Muscle spasms – These contractions are the first significant sign of labor, as they’ll occur in less than 10 minutes between each interval. They’ll get stronger over time, and will occur more frequently.

Amniotic Sac Rupture – Once a woman has her “water broke,” the amniotic fluid will leak or gush from the vagina and go into labor within hours. Having labor at the hospital can prevent infections and delivery problems.

Blood – Mucus mixed with blood will also come out of the vagina, which also indicates a sign of labor. 

If any of these signs occur in rapid, steady succession, please feel free to call us for any advice, and we’ll help advise you along the way before you head to your delivery site.

Instructions for labor

When labor begins, it’s most important to rest. Taking your time during labor is essential, especially when trying to diagnose whether it’s actual labor and not false labor. Count the number of contractions you have within the last ten minutes, and wait. If the contractions are inconsistent, then it’s probably false labor. However, if you’ve waited for an hour and the contractions have not gone away, contact your doctor, because you’re in labor!

Once you begin labor, you’ll need to have a list of items for your labor and hospital stay. You may end up staying at the hospital for a few days as you recover from the labor, so these are some of the items we recommend bringing before you begin your labor:

Comfort items – Blankets, socks, bathrobes, favorite pillow, reading materials, toiletries, and other items that will help you feel comfortable during your stay.

Baby items – Diapers, nursing bra, infant car seats, blankets, onesies, and some outfits for your baby pictures.

The benefits of labor instructions

Going through labor gives your baby life; it helps them breathe, increase blood flow, give your baby energy, and bond with your baby as they become more responsive to the world. Labor instructions during this time can:

  • Help ease your stress levels during labor
  • Gives you confidence about your pregnancy
  • Helps manage pain
  • Reduces surgical complications

Frequent questions about labor

What is false labor? – Also known as Braxton Hicks contractions, these contractions can occur as a way for the body to prepare for labor. They consist of irregular, unpredictable contractions, have no evidence of the amniotic sac breaking, and are slowed down when the body’s position changes.

What emergency signs should I look out for? – Some of the dangers to look out for during pregnancy are vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, fever, severe headaches, difficulties breathing, and overall feelings of illness.

What are my chances of having a normal labor? – Normal, or natural labors, have a lower probability than those who get c-sections for delivery—less than half of women birth vaginally. Less than one-third experienced a normal birth.

How we can help with labor instructions

Our practitioners have vast experience in advising women during their pregnancy. We can help prepare women for delivery through various resources and educational materials to ease their worries and give them the conviction they need to deliver their child. Please contact our practitioners for any concerns with your pregnancy, and we’ll be happy to help you.

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